The one about the poo cookies…

That’s right folks – I feel like it’s time to reveal my top secret, tried and true recipe for Poo Cookies.  You may think that these are just some ordinary oatmeal and fruit cookies – but you’d be wrong.  They’re high in fibre, they’re tasty, and they’re toddler approved. They also *might* help those little cherubs out there who have a problem with constipation. I’m not going to claim that they will magically make your child constipation free – but they are yummy and they do have a super high fibre content.

Let me add in here quickly – you’re free to use the recipe, you’re free to share it from this page.  But you know something, give credit where it’s due.  I’m also including a downloadable PDF for those who do like paper copies.  It’s not like I pulled this recipe out of my backside – yes, it’s based on a raisin oatmeal cookie recipe I was given years ago.  But the testing and the adaptations are mine.  So give me some credit ;). It’s not that I make money from this blog or this recipe. It’s artistic integrity, so to speak.

 The recipe is lower in sugar than a normal raisin and oatmeal cookie, and tested it with coconut sugar as well. It’s sweet enough with the dried fruit in it

The story behind the cookies is simple.  I started adapting the recipe because of Schmemilie and her pooping issues.  They’re a regular fixture in this house, with a batch being made every week or so.  We actually do have people coming to the house and asking if they can have a Poo Cookie.

EDIT! – My friend Chaya just gave me her vegan substitution for the butter and egg.  Replace the butter for the same amount of Crisco or magarine, and the eggs for 60 grams of apple sauce and 40 ml water. YAY! Vegan friendly version!

 Poo Cookies (1)So there you have it.  The recipe for Poo Cookies.  Enjoy them!