The one about the TAPS support group

It’s a quick update, I know.  I’m actually trying to be good and stick to my scheduled blogging times (for now), and I’ve been doing sort of well with it.  I’ve done a bit of tweaking, I now have my own domain and am slowly working now towards upgrading and building a bit more stuff around the site.  I mean, I NEVER expect to take off and all that, but hey, when your google rankings are not bad, you take advantage of that and make things look pretty. Continue reading “The one about the TAPS support group”

The one about how a week turns into a month turns into … well, you get the idea

A couple of months back I made a huge deal about how you should stay tuned, my blog was coming back … and how this year was going to be AWESOME because I was 40 and everything was under control.

And then… Life happened.

My girls started school, I started working, and all of a sudden life was lost under a massive cloak of ‘OH MY GOD I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR SLEEP LET ALONE A BLOG!’ … and so I kind of let things lapse.

Continue reading “The one about how a week turns into a month turns into … well, you get the idea”

The one about the birthday fundraiser..

At the bottom of this post there are links to a fundraiser.  All proceeds go directly to the TTTS Support Team so that they can continue their amazing work with grieving families. Thank you in advance for your donations!

On the 20th of January, I turn 40.  Crazy, right?  I mean, 40 seems like you should have everything sorted out and be a responsible, mature adult and all that shit.

Seriously, no pressure.  None at all.

Continue reading “The one about the birthday fundraiser..”

The one about the difference between TTTS and TAPS

You get so much medical jargon thrown at you when you’re diagnosed with a disease like TTTS and TAPS – and sometimes it’s really hard to process it.  There’s a lot of medical terms and it’s quite overwhelming.  People start talking about DVP’s and MCA’s and cord flow and start talking about amnios and lasers and SFR … it’s confusing and overwhelming.

For the purpose of this post, I will only be referring to identical twins who share a placenta. There are always exceptions to every rule, but the key to this post is simplicity.  So on that note, I am specifically referring the most common denominator – identical twins, sharing a placenta. Continue reading “The one about the difference between TTTS and TAPS”