The one about translating twintalk to singletonese (AKA the other ‘TTTS’)

It’s been a while since a post that wasn’t about the recent sadness in our lives, and thank you to all those of you who commented, read and sent messages about the loss of our beloved father, father in law and Opa.  You’re all amazing and it’s a blessing to know how much you all care. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

I’ve deviated back into my beloved genre of ‘taking the piss out of people who ask stupid questions’ in this post.   Today I’ll be addressing the most common form of TTTS – no, not the heartbreaking Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome that my girls survived and that has fuelled my passion to make others aware of this – but the other form.

Translating Twintalk To Singletonese.

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