The one about finding people who get where you’ve been …
Let me be the first to say – this is by no means dissing any of my existing friends, especially those who are close to me and have been by my side throughout everything. You are all wonderful, and I value you all.
3 years ago, I was struggling with the TTTS/TAPS diagnosis, endless doctors appointments, not knowing if my children would live or die. I was in a country where I barely spoke the language, with only my husband knowing the full extent of what was going on, and our parents to a lesser extent. A lot of my pain and hurt I hid from public view (this is part of who I am) and internalised. On top of that, being part of this mysterious 10% that got a condition that not many people understand, and not being able to find good, reliable and easy to understand information about – things were stressful. And it felt like I was alone. Very alone. 16,000 kilometres away from my family and friends, and very little emotional support. Continue reading “The one about finding people who get where you’ve been …”
The one about bullies…
I dedicate this post to the wonderful Chaya who faced her bully with decorum and grace, and to my friend Tanya who has shown me what raw power is in her own fight with a bully. There’s a couple of others who’ll know who they are as well (I hope).
I was recently talking to someone from high school – ironically our social groups were different, but we moved in similar interests and circles. We were not friends. But we faced similar demons and had similar experiences with bullying. It was really interesting to compare notes and stories, and also eye opening that someone else experienced what I did. Continue reading “The one about bullies…”
14 Cents — MishMashMoments
So last night we went out for dinner with my parents. A old friend from bowling (yep – I used to do 10 pin bowling for a sport. Fun fact, I once came 4th in Australia) was driving through and crashing at my parents house so we went to the local pub where they have…
The one about coffee…
Anyone who knows me knows my love of coffee. My best friend Michelle jokes that I know only 2 words in the morning – “Cof fee”
Today is one of those rare days where not even coffee is motivating me. 3 cups later and I’m still feeling lethargic and tired and not even ready to face the next hour, let alone grocery shopping and taking the monsters to kindy for another attempt at that drama.
So, whilst going to bed last night with a dream of writing the latest installment in the poo saga, as well as an update of all the things going on here … I won’t. I’m going to make cup number 4, and I’m going to try to wake up.