The one about how a week turns into a month turns into … well, you get the idea

A couple of months back I made a huge deal about how you should stay tuned, my blog was coming back … and how this year was going to be AWESOME because I was 40 and everything was under control.

And then… Life happened.

My girls started school, I started working, and all of a sudden life was lost under a massive cloak of ‘OH MY GOD I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR SLEEP LET ALONE A BLOG!’ … and so I kind of let things lapse.

Continue reading “The one about how a week turns into a month turns into … well, you get the idea”

A break in proceedings …

I just was published on a website.  I won’t make any money from it, but hopefully some notoriety!  I wrote an article for International Almere on the perils of shopping in Holland – you can find the link to the article here – “Grocery Shopping – Dutch Style”, but I’ve also placed the article here for you to enjoy.  It was my first foray into this style of writing for a long time, so be gentle with your criticisms :).

The full article, behind this cut….