The one about the Wikkelkinderen…

I hinted a while back that I was working on a story that was a slight deviation from my usual style of writing – and it was published today on Amsterdam Mamas – a website dedicated to parenting in the Netherlands.

The story was my story, intertwined with a fascinating story behind a painting in a castle, not too far from my house.  However, the painting is significant to me. Continue reading “The one about the Wikkelkinderen…”

The update about the mouse …

It’s been 76 days since I posted about Fuckyou Mouse, and the battle lines are still drawn in our house.

So far the furry little fiend has bypassed every sort of trap we have bought, turned it’s nose up at all food groups, and has taken to sitting in the middle of our kitchen, cleaning itself in full view of everyone.  The mouse has serious balls. (Literally, and figuratively). Continue reading “The update about the mouse …”

The one about the perfect gift …

Warning – this post contains images of placentas. If your stomach isn’t so great, time to move along … 😉

Oddly enough, this post isn’t about my poor, long suffering husband ;).

Over the years, I’ve developed a unique relationship with our research doctor, all based on the tale I told about the girls placenta. (It’s worth the click. Really).  I share updates on the girls progress and catch up on the occasion we’re visiting the LUMC. Continue reading “The one about the perfect gift …”