You’ll excuse me here for first of all welcoming you to what you already know – just in a shiny new format! I moved to WordPress from Livejournal mainly because I have several WordPress based projects now, and it’s easier to have it all on one platform. LJ was good to me, but like any relationship, it was time to move on.
I made the half-arsed resolution that isn’t a resolution to write in my blog more often. Writing is an outlet for me – my brain is constantly going at times – and this way I can share the completely nonsensical thoughts that torpedo through my head …
And now, in true New Year’s fashion, I think it’s time to write a year in review post.
2014 was the year that I learned a lot about me. I learned about myself as a parent, as a person, and about my place in this world.
Apparently, everything you think you know about parenting is complete and utter bullshit. We all start with these ideals and plans (“I will never, ever sniff my child’s butt in public” swiftly becomes “Hey, what do you think? Fart or poo?” in a crowded restaurant.). You set out with this plan that you’ll never feed your kids anything but organic, healthy foods and only ever letting them have educational toys and definitely no TV! – and end up shoving cookies at them whilst finding BabyTV just so you can go pee in peace. You start borrowing ideas from friends, Google and books and then most of the time you just wing it. So far this approach is the best one I’ve tried…
I also learned about friendships – they are ever changing but sometimes some are invincible. I went to my best friend Michelle’s wedding in Los Angeles (I went to DISNEYLAND! DISNEYLAND!) and caught up with a group of friends I hadn’t seen in 3 years. And it was like nothing ever changed. (except I was that annoying person at the wedding who brought their kids along. I never saw that happening.). However, I also learned the hard way that some friendships are not meant to last – and we should let them go before they become toxic. There are also a lot of empty promises made at times, sometimes when you’re in a time of need, and when you call on these, you find out that they’re not worth anything. Of course there are the surprise friends that come from nowhere and now, you can’t imagine what you’d do without them!
My place in the world changed dramatically – suddenly I was not Stephanie – but I was the mama of the twins. I spent 7 weeks in NICU with them, and became well versed in the ins and outs of premature babies. I became acquainted with the leading researchers in the Netherlands for TAPS and ended up speaking at a symposium in front of doctors and researchers from all over Europe about my experiences. I learned that we all have a voice, and when we are given a chance, we should use it! (even if that chance comes out of a really, really blonde moment.)
So now, what will 2015 bring? Who knows! One thing is for sure, I’ll be ready for it in my usual fashion. Full steam ahead and like a bull in a china shop.