The one about bullies…

I dedicate this post to the wonderful Chaya who faced her bully with decorum and grace, and to my friend Tanya who has shown me what raw power is in her own fight with a bully.  There’s a couple of others who’ll know who they are as well (I hope).

I was recently talking to someone from high school – ironically our social groups were different, but we moved in similar interests and circles.   We were not friends.  But we faced similar demons and had similar experiences with bullying. It was really interesting to compare notes and stories, and also eye opening that someone else experienced what I did.  Continue reading “The one about bullies…”

The one about being behind the #humblebrag

So lately I kind of stopped myself from posting a couple of funny kid related anecdotes purely based on the fact that they could be considered being a “#humblebrag”.

Let’s face it.  A #humblebrag is not humble.  It’s fucking bragging.  You’re telling the world that you got your kids to eat kale chips and quinoa without tantrums, death threats and breakages.  You’re telling the world how superior you are,  because your kids ate fancy cabbage and grass seeds.  Bonus points if your kid pronounces quinoa correctly. (insert eyeroll here).   Continue reading “The one about being behind the #humblebrag”

The one about translating twintalk to singletonese (AKA the other ‘TTTS’)

It’s been a while since a post that wasn’t about the recent sadness in our lives, and thank you to all those of you who commented, read and sent messages about the loss of our beloved father, father in law and Opa.  You’re all amazing and it’s a blessing to know how much you all care. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

I’ve deviated back into my beloved genre of ‘taking the piss out of people who ask stupid questions’ in this post.   Today I’ll be addressing the most common form of TTTS – no, not the heartbreaking Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome that my girls survived and that has fuelled my passion to make others aware of this – but the other form.

Translating Twintalk To Singletonese.

Continue reading “The one about translating twintalk to singletonese (AKA the other ‘TTTS’)”

The one about the conflict on our doorsteps – parenting decisions

Let’s get one thing straight here.  I do not profess to be the world’s greatest parent.  I do things that others disagree with, but to be honest, having the World’s Most Feral Twins (TM), I do what keeps me sane.

I survive on wine and coffee, I feed my kids things like chicken nuggets and pizza, I try to feed them stuff like broccoli (aka the Devil’s Vegetable), my kids have toys that expand their minds (as well as ones that are just, well, f*cking sparkly noise machines) … but in all honesty, every parent knows it’s about survival.  We do what we do in order to help our kids grow and develop.

I get that there are many, many ways of parenting. Everyone has their own style, follows their own methods and I completely respect that.  After all, we’re all individuals, with different upbringings, different cultures, and different motivations.  We all have one thing in common though – we want to do what’s best for our kids. Continue reading “The one about the conflict on our doorsteps – parenting decisions”

The one where I was interviewed again … this time about my domestic abilities

I meet some awesome people along the way, and Jenny of “Dishwasher Required – The subversive homemaking blog” is one of the latest.  Jenny and I belong to a blogging group, and she recently put out a call for homemakers to be interviewed. Being the shy, retiring flower I am, I volunteered and the rest is history.  Click the image below (quote by yours truly) to go to her site and read the rest!

homemaker interview